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Woman Dies After Drinking On An Empty Stomach

Woman Dies After Drinking On An Empty Stomach

Drinking alcohol without eating

An otherwise fit, healthy woman has died after drinking on an empty stomach People often say you should never drink on an empty stomach. In most cases, it can make you get drunk quicker and you can wake up with a hangover. But there can sometimes be far more dangerous consequences. This has been highlighted […]

How To Sleep Through The Night When The Clocks Change

sleeping when the clocks change

It is almost strange that, now people must stay indoors or self-isolate again, some may not have realised that at the end of October, the clocks change by an hour. This is after the usual change to British Summer Time back in March. The change of season and time can often disrupt routines, as well […]

Young People Unaware Women Should Not Drink When Pregnant

Drinking during preganancy

A new survey has found that almost 25% of young people are unaware that women should not drink alcohol when pregnant. There is no doubt the coronavirus pandemic has caused many people to change their plans. They may have had to hold off moving, starting a new job, or even having a family. The crisis […]

Scotland – More Than Just A Drinking Culture

Under the influence of excessive alcohol consumption

What image does Scotland conjour up? When people around the world think about Scotland many pictures appear in their mind. Images of stunning scenery, rolling hills, lochs, and glens. Tourists may have an almost Brigadoon vision of the country, where locals live in crofts, wear kilts, play the bagpipes and eat haggis at every meal. […]

Don’t Forget!

Effects of mixing drink and drugs

It’s well known that if you drink too much alcohol you might blackout. How many times have you had a lot to drink, and then couldn’t recall the night before? You know that when consuming alcohol you may face the dreaded hangover, but it can also lead to having a blackout. That disconcerting, often frightening […]

People At Risk Of Liver Damage

Liver damage from alcohol addiction

People are a risk of liver damage by drinking too much during lockdown During lockdown, it may not surprise you to learn that the UK has seen a growth in the number of people consuming alcohol. According to sources, booze sales have risen by 20% since the crisis started. However, with people understandably focusing on […]

No Extension to Licensing Hours

Alcohol Licensing in Scotland

The Scottish Government has decided not to extend licensing hours during lockdown. There is no doubt many people are using alcohol to make it through the coronavirus crisis, despite the possible ill-effects to their health. They may be stocking up with beer, wine, or spirits when visiting the supermarket, or stopping at a convenience store. […]

Is Cocaine Just For The Rich?

Cocaine users

  Is cocaine use just for the rich or can anybody get hooked? There is a common misconception the class A drug is exclusively for the rich and famous. Most people have an idea of celebrities, rock stars or film actors snorting it at wild parties. Or executives and rich City workers using the drug […]

Yoga For Overcoming Addiction?

Holisitic therapies to overcome addiction

Can yoga be the key to overcoming drug and alcohol addiction? If you are living with an addiction, and have decided to get help, treatment can come in many forms. Generally, you may attend a rehabilitation centre, where you will stop taking addictive substances and undergo detox. You may also focus on the mental side […]

Call to Raise Price of Alcohol During Crisis


Some doctors have asked for the government to raise in the price of alcohol during the Covid-19 crisis. This has been a time when the NHS is facing almost unheard off demand. People were concerned that health services would find it hard to deal with an upsurge of patients. And there is still a very […]